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XAML controls tutorial

In this tutorial we will discuss the score object model, data import from MusicXML and visualisation of score with XAML-based technologies (WPF, Silverlight, Silverlight for Windows Phone, Windows Runtime). Create a new WPF project in Visual Studio. Then add these four libraries as references: Manufaktura.Controls, Manufaktura.Controls.WPF, Manufaktura.Music i Manufaktura.Model. The first library contains the score object model,MusicXml parser and multi-platform score drawing engine.The second library contains a WPF implementation of score rendering engine. Last two are base class libraries. In the next step we will create a test data model. Let us create a class named TestDataViewModel:

public class TestDataViewModel : ViewModel
    private Score data;
    public Score Data
    get { return data;  }
    set { data = value; OnPropertyChanged(() => Data); }
    public void LoadTestData()

Base class ViewModel comes from namespace Manufaktura.Model.MVVM and contains a default implementation of OnPropertyChanged method, which informs the view about changes in model. Data property stores the score model. In LoadTestData method we are going to create a sample model:

public void LoadTestData()
    var score = Score.CreateOneStaffScore(Clef.Treble, new MajorScale(Step.C, false));
            score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C5, RhythmicDuration.Quarter));
            score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.B4, RhythmicDuration.Quarter));
            score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C5, RhythmicDuration.Half));
            score.FirstStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline());            Data = score;

Now edit MainWindow.xaml file.In order to add a score viewer control we have to add the following line:

<ManufakturaControls:NoteViewer ScoreSource="{Binding Data}" />


ScoreSource property is bound to viewmodel’s Data property. We also have to register the proper namespace . Add the following attribute to Window tag:



The resulting file might look like that:

<Window x:Class="Manufaktura.WPFControlsExample.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
            <ManufakturaControls:NoteViewer x:Name="noteViewer1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" ScoreSource="{Binding Data}"/>

We also have to set the viewmodel as form’s data context. Add this in the constructor of MainWIndow class:

public MainWindow()
    var viewModel = new TestDataViewModel();
            DataContext = viewModel;

Now we can run our application and see the result. We’ve just create our first score. ;) Now we are going to add a few staves to our score. Add this in LoadTestData method:

var secondStaff = new Staff();
            secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Key(0));
            secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.G4, RhythmicDuration.Whole));
            secondStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline());
            score.Staves.Add(new Staff());
            score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Key(0));
            score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.D4, RhythmicDuration.Half));
            score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.E4, RhythmicDuration.Half));
            score.ThirdStaff.Elements.Add(new Barline());
            score.Staves.Add(new Staff());
            score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(Clef.Bass);    //0-based index
            score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Key(0));
            score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.G3, RhythmicDuration.Half));
            score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Note(Pitch.C3, RhythmicDuration.Half));
            score.Staves[3].Elements.Add(new Barline());

Note that there are many different ways of adding symbols to staves. Our next step will be MusicXml import:

var parser = new MusicXmlParser();
            score = parser.Parse(XDocument.Load(@"D:\Dokumenty\Manufaktura programów\Dane do bazy\2014-08-01 DWOK tom 1 numery 1 i 5\DWOK tom 1, s. 3, nr 1 a.xml"));
Data = score;

Let's add another parameter to our control: IsPanoramaMode="False". This parameter causes control to include system breaks. Effect will look like that:

In the next tutorial we will learn how to use Manufaktura Controls in ASP.NET MVC.